SatoshiLabs, which has developed a line of wallets for Trezor cryptocurrencies, has launched a desktop client known as the Trezor Suite.

By now in a blog post, the Trezor Suite has been designed to improve your Trezor user experience, providing improved experience and expertise. mobile platforms. The new desktop application offers improvements in three key areas: safety, ease of use and convenience.

Peshenie cuschectvenno cnizhaet pick fishingovyx atak, pozvolyaya polzovatelyam uppavlyat cvoimi cpedctvami bez icpolzovaniya int.epn.ete-bpauzepa, a takzhe codepzhit pyad uluchsheny polzovatelckogo intepfeyca, kotopye upposchayut opepatsii kpiptovalyutami c. This will include a new system for managing the account and coins, as well as improved tools for managing a hidden wallet (i.e. passwords). In addition, users can now use the Trezor Suite to start up a full bitcoin node, increasing the transaction efficiency and participating in the transaction. Trezor also added a hidden mode for an extra level of privacy and plans to implement Tor support.

“With the help of the Trezor Suite, we wanted to combine Trezor's capabilities with all of your devices to provide more flexibility in using the bitcoin,” the Mirror-like layout Prior to the release of the Trezor Suite, users of a hardware wallet did not need to connect their Trezor device to the computer on which the Trezor Bridge was loaded and plugged in. Now the user has a choice to use the autonomous desktop application through the Trezor Suite, or the older browser application.

The high-speed desktop Trezor has a design, analogous to the desktop-client Ledger Live. Currently Trezor Suite is at the stage of public beta testing, for example, until January 2021, the team will be calling

The mobile version of the Trezor Suite is planned to be released in the next year and at the same time will be supported by the old Trezor plug-in, as soon as